Sheep Breeding
It is based on grain farming. About half of the world’s land is occupied by cereals. Grain along with potatoes is one of the most important food resources of mankind. It is a widespread product in the industry – flour, cereals, spirit, feed. Wheat, rice, corn. NN Vavilov established that the origin of wheat is in Asia and the Mediterranean. From here it spread throughout the world.

The main wheat belt extends in the Northern Hemisphere. Wheat is grown in more than 70 countries of the world, however, most of it is in the USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. It formed the main breadbaskets of the world. Wheat occupies a prominent place in Canada’s exports (about 20% of world exports).
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The main wheat belt extends in the Northern Hemisphere. Wheat is grown in more than 70 countries of the world, however, most of it is in the USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. It formed the main breadbaskets of the world. Wheat occupies a prominent place in Canada’s exports (about 20% of world exports).

More About This
It is distributed almost everywhere. The geography of animal husbandry is primarily determined by the place ment of livestock. Cattle. This branch of animal husba ndry is developed in most countries of the world, mainly in the forest, forest-steppe zones of the temperate zone. The largest cattle breeding area in the world is the Argentine pampa. In some parts of the United States, Canada, Australia, large-scale “meat factories” have emerged.
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Almost half of the world livestock of pigs accounts primarily for China. However, in numerous areas inhabited by the Muslim population, pig breeding is practically absent due to religious traditions. – Sheep breeding, which also has global value. It develops in steppe and semi-desert areas, as well as in mountain areas. The world’s largest area of sheep – areas of Australia, where the sheep are kept on natural pasture.